Automat was started as a Partnership Company in the year 1972 in the name and style of Automat Consulting Engineers having its base in Delhi with the Product range as Pneumatic Process Control Instruments. The Company was converted into a Private Limited Company in the year 1982.
The Managing Director (Mr. V.K.Bassi) with his 17 years of experience in various Organizations of repute covering Paper, Chemical & Atomic Industries, observed that most of the PROCESS CONTROL INSTRUMENTS were being imported & if the same are manufactured in India, precious foreign exchange can be saved. Well versed in Technology and having a strong will power, he started manufacturing PROCESS CONTROL INSTRUMENTS & these were introduced to the industrial giants like ONGC, Oil India, NFL & Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. Mathura Refinery replaced their entire Russian Controllers with Automat Controllers & similar trend was followed by all Refineries.
With the advent of Electronic Instruments, the whole disposition of the trade began to change. Automat once opted for indigenous angle and to meet this challenge, R&D Division was established with latest of Gadgets. Within a short span of two years, our R&D Centre developed Displacement type Level Transmitters (Electronic) with superior features & yet competitive in price and suited to Indian conditions. With this, Automat became the first Company in India to have introduced indigenously developed Level Transmitters in the country and for export as well. Not only this, Automat has many more such feathers in its Cap of being the first. In view of the enormous opportunities for export, Automat started its activities in this direction in the year 1992 in a big way with the result, we were able to penetrate the overseas market in Sri Lanka, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Japan, Middle East and African countries.
Established in 1982, V Automat & Instruments PVT. LTD. is the leading Manufacturer, Wholesaler, Retailer, Trader and Exporter of Pneumatic Instruments, Flow Switch, Wireless transmitter, All types of Level Instruments for all Applications and much more. In their development process, we assure that only top notch basic material is used along with ultra-modern tools and machinery. Besides this, we check these on a variety of grounds before finally shipping them at the destination of our customers. Working under the mentorship of The Managing Director (Mr. V.K.Bassi), we have acquired a reputed stature in the industry.
The whole Organization has been divided into three Divisions – ADMINISTRATION, MARKETING & WORKS. Each Division has been further divided into Departments.
The six Branches in major cities and a team of 35 Sales & Service Engineers, Automat is now better placed for penetrating the market as well as offering effective after-sale-service in each and every nook and corner of the country. Each Branch is headed by a Branch Manager to forward the requirement of his specified region. Branches are stationed in the following places:-
V. Automat management is committed to quality of its Products in order to have customer satisfaction by meeting all of their requirements.
V. Automat will strive for continuous quality improvement, coast control and technology upgradation.
V. Automat will encourage active involvement of all its employees in all functional areas and upgrade their knowledge and skill by way of on going training.
We ultimately shall strive for “Total Quality Management”
Automat’s commitment is towards bring new technologies and presenting innovative designs to the Industry and contributing to qualitative industrial growth. We have assigned ourselves to a commitment for major expansion of our export business.